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butterfly inlay
This is an inlay I did around 1973. It consists of over 250 pieces. The flower leaves are made of poplar burl, and the flower petals are made of orange wood. The body of the butterfly, including antennae and veins in the wings are dark walnut. Poplar, cedar heartwood, and rock maple make up the wing parts. The background is birch. The vine border is chip carved, and the bear's paw signature is burned into the wood. The colors have faded quite a bit over the years. The orange wood and cedar heartwood were especially much brighter years ago.
antique car address plaque
This carving I made to serve as an address marker for the entrance of the first house I bought. It was crafted in 1973. The wood is pine and I tried to use the natural blemish in the wood as a horizon line behind the car.
floor loom
In 1991, to relieve work stress, I designed and built this loom. It is entirely made of rock maple except for the feed and takeup rollers, which are fir. The single metal piece in this is the axle for the treddles. By removing a few pegs, the whole unit disassembles and can be stored in a small space.
Philco radio
In 1996 I took one of the antique radios my brother Timothy sent to me and fashined a new cabinet for it. The original cathedral cabinet was in very bad shape - the plywood had delaminated and various veneer pieces had fallen off and were lost. The black shell is of bendable plywood with a black laquer finish. The front is 2 pieces of glued up walnut to achieve the sunburst vertical strip in the center. The bottom trim is of cocobolo. The speaker opening is hand carved and then dyed with analine, water soluble dyes. Around the speaker trim, there is a ring of gold leaf. The knobs remain to be completed.
Much of the work I do now is done using a ShopSmith. This is a glider rocker that I made using one of their patterns. The chair is made from rock maple. A better choice might have been mahagony. Rock maple is not very decay resistant and splits easily.
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